Saturday, July 22, 2006

Stu in autumn!

This is my week 3 Stu pose. We are trying to convey 'excitement' in a single pose. Webster's dictionary defines excitement as: to rouse to an emotional response. I hope this pose shows that. We also had to do our first bouncing ball animation. Now Im not going to change the world with my animation but I feel that what I have is solid and more than meets the assignment requirement... See you soon!

Thursday, July 20, 2006

Testing ...1...2...3...

Hello World! This is the maiden post of the animation mentor voyage. I am well into week three of the course and am having a blast. We are still having the basics drilled int our heads but I dont mind. Can't be great without the basics so drill away mentors! Met my mentor Kevin Micallef and was very impressed with his resume and knowledge. I look forward suckling from the teet of his knowledge (that was a bit too descriptive). Anyways, I'll post again soon and put up some samples of my work and what I have learned!